Executive Sales Leads

We offer a Database of 70 Million Executives!

Target corporate professionals to drive business opportunities. Get executive sales leads in just minutes. Search by list by zip code, city, state, geographic radius, type of business/industry, SIC code, employee size, and credit rating lists of your ideal customers to create highly targeted marketing campaigns.

With a database of 30 million executives with email and phone number, reaching prospects has never been easier.

Having access to B2B sales leads that include email will put you in contact with prospective customers in highly influential positions. Positions include business executives, chief executive officers, presidents, owners, managers, and more.

SalesFlower’s executive database can help you uncover new business opportunities and help you easily find new lead sources and prospects. We’re dedicated to making sure you receive the finest executive leads available. Being a data complier, we’re constantly refining our data compilation process.

Email Executives

Find The Perfect Audience

Being able to compile a highly targeting list is what makes Salesflower the best lead generator in the industry. Select from hundreds of targeted search criteria options to focus on the prospects that can make you money.

The Best Data Quality

We pride ourselves on being a triple-verified database. This means that you save time and resources by avoiding filtering through bad or inaccurate data. We ensure the quality of our email database by updating our data monthly – estimating the accuracy of our emails at approximately 70%.

Increase Your ROI With Executive Email

With targeted data, finding the right prospects equals making a return on your marketing investment. Increase your ROI with prospecting the right sales leads.

Learn More, Get Started Today!

We’d love to help you get set up and be on your way to finding quality executive email lists and sales leads. Connect with a Salesflower representative at 855.575.0101 or e-mail us at info@