Cold Calling: Ways to Make it Work

Today’s sales pitches are faster, more sophisticated and more data-driven than ever before. This demands extra care and caution when cold-calling. Armed with the business databases of having 95% accuracy while consumer databases with approximately 90% accuracy, your team is already on the cutting edge of competition.

The following guidelines can help the team to avert pitfalls to successful lead generation:

Planning is a Must

One of the most common problems with people making cold calls or follow-up calls is that they practically do it without much thought or planning. Just picking up the best list as provided by, and dialing will never give your team the best results. More study time goes into knowing details about the prospect, sweeter will be the outcome. Usually, most callers even fail to consider what outcome they want from the call before they make it.

Focus During Cold Calling

Usually, after a cold call, a marketing team person talks about what they could have done better. If the person can concentrate on the conversation during the call, steer it towards the positive values of the products being offered. Instead of listening carefully is half deal done as then the answers grab the attention of the prospect.

Expertise Levels

Have a template of generic statements and polite questions are not enough. The caller must have a basic knowledge to handle any question that is thrown back by an interested prospect. The product needs a thorough master to back it up to the prospect.

Spam Galore

With the spam frequency on the rise, more and more people react negatively to cold calling. Varying from IRS to credit cards to student loans, most sectors have seen one way or another some con artists purporting a scam scheme through phone calls. Usually defining the purpose at the onset serves well.


With the aforementioned pointers to brush up the marketing strategy for reaching out to prospects, your team will realize that more filtering and preparing they have done, the warmer the call responses are.